Engels & Jones Inc
Helping you create the life you want and deserve.

Customer Testimonials

Total Focus: M. G., mother of 5 y. o. daughter, “The program is going great. Yesterday for the first time ever, we all enjoyed our neighborhood fireworks together outside. Rachel normally demands that all windows stay shut and she stays inside the entire day for fear of the loud explosions. Yesterday she was able to really enjoy the day--and as a result so did our whole family!!! I see it as a direct result of the listening program!!!”

Total Focus: L. P., mother of 5 y.o. son, “It is really encouraging to see the reports we have been receiving on Cade!  Thank you for ordering the Total Focus system for us and for the update below.  You have been amazing, kind and understanding to work with and I can tell you that you will receive high compliments from me about your support and service ~ you have amazing customer service.  I thank you for all that you have done to support me (and I know I have needed it) and Cade throughout all of this.”

Total Focus: E. H., mother of 3 y. o. son, “We think Brody is doing great.  Shortly after he started session 30, I could tell there was a change.  We seem to be able to reason with him frequently, and he is "tuned in" more often.  I think his appetite is even getting better and his pickiness about food is (slightly) improving.  He is more independent every day physically.”

Total Focus: J. R., mother of adult son, “It is so hard to tell if the program is working or something else.  I am sure the program has a lot to do with it though.  Tim is really a different person.  He talks (he never will be a BIG talker anyway.)  He even asks questions about what we are doing (he would never do that before or seem to care).”